Shrimaan Shrimati, remains unmatched even today! A famous sitcom by Sri Adhikari Brothers, depicts the hilarious tale of two middle aged men being in awe of their neighbor's wife. Keshav Kulkarni (Jatin Kanakia) and his wife Kokila's (Reema Lagoo) life changes when popular film actress Prema Shalini (Archana Puran Singh) comes to live in their neighborhood with Dilruba (RakeshBedi), her effeminate husband. Keshav, who has always desired of a glamorous life partner, gets attracted to Prema. On the other hand, Kokila's intelligence attracts Dilruba. Watch these men fail in their funny attempts to impress each other's wives.
One of the most popular comedy television series 'Bhabi Ji Ghar Par Hai!' is inspired by Shrimaan Shrimati.
In this episode of Shrimaan Shrimati, Keshav Kulkarni's beautiful dream of travelling in a plane with a pretty girl is shattered as Kokila interrupts. Kokila fights with Keshav on the occasion of their 10th marriage anniversary. Later, a sudden twist comes into Keshav's life, when Prema Shalini, a film actress, and her husband, Dilruba arrive as his neighbours. Watch the episode to know what happens next.